Our story…

Three generations, one aim.

Between Julie & Alfie, they have seen 100’s of dogs and have thousands of hours’ worth of experience. Working with dogs and helping dog owners is their passion, no dog is too big or small, they train them all. They take pride in their work, as their reviews will testify. They also work with the prestigious trainer Nigel Marshall at Dog Trainer UK and are proud of what they achieve with him.

If you want to meet two individuals with a passion for all things canine then look no further than Julie and Alfie… it’s in their blood!

Julie first started dog training at the tender age of 8, when her dad bought her her first dog, a Rough Collie called Laddie (yes a male Lassie, if you know you know!) Sid, her father, was also a trainer in the 70s and 80s mainly working with German shepherds, of whom the family had.

Fast forward to when her children grew up a little, Julie purchased her first personal German shepherd, Jessie. A beautiful black and rich red colour, Jessie was a very dominant bitch who taught her so much. She was fantastic with the children and was never happier than being with them, herding them whilst out walking in the woods. As such, Jessie struggled with pulling on the lead during her teenage years, as the world was just too exciting. It was the perfect chance for Julie and Alfie to implement their honed skills and expertise.

Next came Arthur, a stunning black long-haired German Shepherd, he was the complete opposite of Jessie, a big baby! Arthur was never happier when cuddled up with one of his humans. Being more anxious about the world, it was imperative that Julie & Alfie worked on his anxious/nervous reactivity. Being a 48kg guardian breed, there was no room for error. Fortunately with strict boundaries and a positive implementation of a desensitisation program, Arthur quickly got through his fears.

Fast forward to the last few years and now Julie and Alfie are devoted to the Jack Russells, Dolly and Yoda. Dolly, although tiny, is a powerhouse of a little dog with the heart of a lion. A born mum, she likes nothing better than being with her baby, Julie's 7-month old granddaughter. She put Julie and Alfie’s leadership skills to the test, there was no doubt in her mind what position of the pack she wanted to be. It is one thing knowing how to implement firm boundaries and leadership, it is another thing teaching a headstrong terrier the rules of the pack. Julie and Alfie have yet to meet a more dominant dog. If she can learn to defer decisions to her leaders, any dog can.

Then came along Yoda (Alfie’s dog) when he was 3 years old. A broken boy both physically and mentally, Julie and Alfie had to work hard on teaching Yoda the idea that humans can be trusted, and could be kind, something he had never previously experienced. Having gone through his puppy years, adolescence and young mental maturity in an environment of fear and pain, he had become very adept at using his aggression to keep himself safe. Unpicking such ingrained behaviour was imperative and a challenge, one that they were willing to take. Simply put, he arrived with every challenging behaviour that a dog can present. Severe hand shyness, aggression, resource guarding, dog and human reactivity, and territorial behaviour, to name a few. Helping such a sweet boy in such a broken state, is what cemented Julie and Alfie’s passion for dog training and proved their skills. Thank goodness he came to live with them as now he's one of the central hearts of the Emery family, alongside his sister Dolly.

Julie and Alfie are second and third generation trainers. Julie, working with dogs professionally as soon as family responsibilities would allow. Alfie? He learnt through osmosis. Firstly emulating his Granddad, and his German shepherd (especially working closely with Nishka), from a little boy to then helping Julie with the family dogs. He studied a Fine Art BA degree at Canterbury University but knew his heart belonged to the canine industry. When he finished his course, he jumped straight into the family business and studied to be a canine behaviourist and trainer. Alfie obtained a qualification with a distinction at the International Open Academy following in his mum's footsteps, a course Julie had already completed. This consisted of academic study in ‘Dog Training Essentials’, ‘Obedience Masterclass’ and ‘Dog Psychology/Behaviour course